FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions


How to set up your blog on saionara?

Your internal blog is created automatically in saionara after you sign up. Now you need to add posts to it. To do that you need to go to “Create” page and create some posts using our AI system. To do that please provide some topic related to your business, for example “marketing tips”, and click on “Generate Titles” (or click on "Add Title" to add it manually).

Wait some time, titles for your posts related to your topic should be generated and you should see them as a list of titles. You can turn off/on some posts if you like/don’t like it. You can edit the content of a given post. Posts for your titles will be generated in the background. You need to wait some time to see them (please use a link titled “All generated posts” at the top of the “Create” page).

Additionally, when all posts will be generated saionara will send you email message informing you about it. You can add more topics like that so that you can have more “categories” in your blog. You can turn on/off some topics entirely.

Now you have your blog with some content. It is time to show it to the world. To do that you need to set up you custom subdomain (e.g. “blog.mybusiness.com”, you need to upgrade your account to do that). Please go to your “Profile Settings”, click on “Set Domain” and provide your custom subdomain. Then an email message with instructions how to set up your subdomain on saionara will be sent to you (mainly it involves setting up CNAME records in your domain's provider settings). When you follow instructions in the email message you should see next to your domain address: “VALIDATED/INSTALLED” words, meaning that you have successfully installed your domain and you can show your saionara blog to the world by just using link titled “Your custom domain blog address” located on “Create” page (You can use this link on your main business page to point to your new blog address).

Moreover, to speed up process of indexing your blog in Google, you should copy link "Your sitemap.xml Address" from "Create" page and provide it to Google Search Console - open Google Search Console, go to "Sitemaps" and "Add a new sitemap", paste your sitemap.xml address.


What is the best way to let saionara generate high quality posts?

One of the best ways to improve quality of your posts is to review and edit them manually in saionara (click on "Edit" for a given post). To let our AI System generate articles according to your taste or quality you can click on "Set Hint" and you can provide generic hint for our AI System what kind of posts should be generated. For example, if you believe that generated posts are way too generic and they should be more technical, you can provide a hint "make it more technical". This way our AI system will be more specific and technical. You can try different hints like: "make it funny", "make it less technical", "make it more sarcastic" but you can use any hint you think would be appropriate.

You can do the same for a specific post. You can click on "Regenerate" for a given post and you can provide a specific hint focused only on this post. If you don't want to use any hint you can just use/set empty string.

Additionally, to improve quality of a given post, you can click on "Generate New Image" to randomly try to select another header image for your post. You can also upload your own header image for a given post.


How to set up your custom domain on saionara?

To set up you custom subdomain on saionara (e.g. “blog.mybusiness.com”, you need to upgrade your account to do that). Please go to your “Profile Settings”, click on “Set Domain” and provide your custom subdomain. Then an email message with instructions how to set up your subdomain on saionara will be sent to you. When you follow instructions in the email message you should see next to your domain address: “VALIDATED/INSTALLED” words, meaning that you have successfully installed your domain and you can show your saionara blog to the world by just using link titled “Your custom domain blog address” located on “Create” page.


How to speed up process of indexing your saionara's blog on Google?

You can just ask Google in Google Search Console to index your page by just pasting your URL in "Inspect" input and then click on "REQUEST INDEXING". To speed up process of indexing your blog in Google, for many URLs/posts you should copy link "Your sitemap.xml Address" from "Create" page and provide it to Google Search Console - open Google Search Console, go to "Sitemaps" and "Add a new sitemap", paste your sitemap.xml address. But, this may not be enough, because Google can still not index your pages.

In some cases you may use tools like indexmenow to index your pages in Google.


Is it possible to use your saionara’s blog without installing a custom domain?

Yes, this is possible, so you can use your main domain entirely (using “yourbusiness.com/blog” instead of “blog.yourbusiness.com”), but to do that you need some programming skills. One of the options is available if you are using a proxy like Nginx for your main website. To set up saionara’s blog on your main website using Nginx you need to set up “forwarding” ("proxy_pass") rule in Nginx config, so that when people will try to visit “yourbusiness.com/blog” will be “forwarded” by Nginx to “www.saionara.co/blog/123” under the hood (Nginx will fetch content of your post under the hood and will display it to your users), but from perspective of Google bot or your visitors they will see only “yourbusiness.com/blog”. Example of such forwarding rule in Nginx:

server {
 location ^~ /blog/ {
   proxy_pass https://www.saionara.co/blog/123/;


How to promote my main business website on saionara's blog?

Please go to "Create" page and set "Promotion Text" (Text/Html) containing some description explaining what is your business. This description will be inserted as a HTML section at the end of every post. You can use "<a href=""></a>" link inside your Text/HTML to include link to your website. For example this is how it looks like for our own blog (which was also generated using saionara technology):

Want to try to generate your own blog from scratch automatically using AI? Increase traffic to your website at no substantial marketing cost. Check out our product: <a href="https://www.saionara.co">saionara</a>


How to set my own logo in saionara's blog?

This is very simple. Just go to "Create" page and upload your logo in "Logo Image" section.


How to set up backlink to my own main website in saionara's blog?

This is very simple. Just go to "Create" page and click on "Set Home" in "Home Site Address" section.


How can I edit title for blog post and name of my topic?

To change title for your blog post, please click on Edit on a given post, then change title and click Save. In case of changing name of topic, you need to click on "Edit Topic Name" for selected topic. In both cases names of title and topic will change, but underlying URL slug for topic and post will not change, so that old URLs will work.


When editing my post can I use HTML instead of just Text?

Yes. You can. HTML will work as good as Text. So you can add links, images or embed YouTube vidoes inside your posts.


Can I put images/videos/links inside saionara's blog posts?

Yes. You can. When editing content of your generated blog post you can use HTML, not just Text. This way you can add any HTML tag you like, for example: links (using <a href=""></a> tag), images (using <img src="" /> tag, you can upload your photos on some external platform like Imgur to get src URL to your photo), YouTube videos (embed your video).


Can I use my own Google Analytics script inside saionara's blog?

Yes. You can. Please go Profile Settings and copy/paste your script inside "HEAD Script" input. Actually, you can inject this way any other script like Live Chat inside your blog.


Can I inject Live Chat inside saionara's blog?

Yes. You can. Please go Profile Settings and copy/paste your script inside "HEAD Script" input. Actually, you can inject this way any other script.


What is a good SEO strategy to rank high in rankings?

There are many good strategies to rank high in Google rankings, but one of the good strategies is to try to be a "Topical authority". If you want to compete in the SERPs you need topical authority. It's confirmed to be a ranking factor by Google (and if you're into SEO you've seen this in your own experiments anyway). Topical authority is just a fancy way of saying that your content needs to fully cover a topic to help Google to better understand what your site is about so that it can better rank for related keywords. In practical terms, in case of generating your blog using saionara, it means that you create a lot of basic titles/topic which would answer basic questions for a given subject, so that Google can understand that your blog can help people understand some subject extensively.

Check this post to gain more info what it means to hit topical authority: Post